dr hab. Anna Kacperczyk
e-mail: anna.kacperczyk@uni.lodz.pl
Dr hab. Anna Kacperczyk, prof. UŁ
Anna Kacperczyk, Associate Professor, PhD in the humanities in the field of sociology, associated with the Department of Methods and Techniques of Social Research (Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Lodz, Poland) since 1995. She is interested in social psychology, the theory of social worlds, the methodology of social research, especially the issue of the position and role of the researcher in the investigation process. In her field research, she refers to the theoretical framework of symbolic interactionism, using ethnography, autoethnography, and methodology of grounded theory. Being focused on innovative qualitative research strategies, esp. autoethnography she is anauthor of methodological studies on this subject (2014, 2016, 2020). Substantive areas of her research included palliative and hospice care in Poland (2006), the sustainable development of an Amazonian village (2013), the social world of climbing (2016), and trash as an object of sociological investigation (in press).
She is a chairperson of the Section of Qualitative Sociology and Symbolic Interactionism of the Polish Sociological Association and a member of the board of European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. She serves as an associate editor and cover designer of the “Qualitative Sociology Review” and “Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej”.
A chairwoman of the Historical Section of the Academic Mountaineering Club in Łódź, acting for the benefit of the local climbing community through community archivistics projects, organizing the "Climbing Stories" exhibition (2017) documentary films and creating and coordinating the work of the Łódź High Mountain Archive (https://archiwumgorskie.pl/). Publishing popular science texts on this topic.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9643-0587
Websites: http://arcofwork.blogspot.com/
phone: 42-635-53-49
e-mail: anna.kacperczyk@uni.lodz.pl
Rewolucji 1905r 41/43 room: A230 90-214 Łódź
11:30 - 13:00