Office Hours: Wednesdays 09.45 am - 11.15 am


My research interests revolve around the problems of local housing policies of selected Polish and European cities, in particular: the availability of social housing, housing needs and the financial means of meeting these needs and solutions adopted at the local and regional level.

My research focuses on the effectiveness of selected housing support programs, taking into account the complexity and diversity of their tools used to solve local housing problems.


Articles in reviewed scientific journals:

1. A.W. Parys (2020). Evaluation of the local housing policy of Lodz and Krakow in light of selected aspects. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 4(349), 23-45.

2 A.W. Parys (2022). Selected instruments of housing support in the Czech Republic. A case study of Brno and Ostrava. International Economics (33), 65-83.

Participation (with paper presented) in national and international conferences:

1. Active participation in the National Scientific Conference "Local Government in the Political and Territorial-Administrative System of Poland- Achievements, Failures and Prospects for Development, paper entitled. "The role of municipal governments in meeting housing needs. A case study of Lodz and Krakow". (13.05.2021).

2. Active participation in the international scientific conference ENHR 2021: "Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts", paper entitled. "Local Housing Support Instruments in Poland and the Czech Republic. A comparative analysis of dwelling allowances in Lodz, Cracow, Brno and Ostrava". (1.09.2021).https://www.deepl.com/translator?utm_source=windows&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=windows-share


POW 3/5 room: B206 90-255 Łódź

tuesday: 09:45-11:15 Consultation with staff: room B206