Scope of duties in the position held:
1) in terms of teaching duties:
— I am a tutor supporting the development of academic competences necessary in studying and building educational capital focused on neurodiverse people (with particular emphasis on ADHD people);
— I conduct classes on the sociology of death and mourning (change management), the sociology of interspecies relations and on difficult situations or ethical issues in relation to organizations and internal audit;
— I take part in trainings and projects aimed at improving my professional qualifications (mainly in the field of animal studies and death studies and adult education):
Good Grief Festival [2020],
Hybrid Lab: Alive Together! [2020],
Hybrid Lab: Hybrid intelligentia in art and science [2021],
Animal Justice Academy [2021],
Effective Animal Advocacy [2021],
Suffering in contemporary society [2021],
The Posthumanism & New Materialism [2021],
End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovations [2021],
One Health: A Ten Thousand Year-Old View into the Future [2022],
Photography in therapy and personal development [2023],
Tutor training [2023],
Theater based on facts [2022-25].
2) in terms of scientific duties:
— I conduct research on the experience of loss (mourning, dying, death, cancer, life after transplantation – mainly lung transplantation in cases of cystic fibrosis) and the use of photography in therapy and personal development. I am also interested in issues related to running businesses involving non-human animals (e.g. cat cafes), homelessness (humans and animals), etc.;
— I organize and conduct trainings and workshops for funeral homes, medics, veterinary offices and workplaces on coping with difficult situations and support in grief;
— I participate in Polish and international conferences (animal studies, death studies, trauma studies, gender studies);
— I publish in scientific journals and books (animal studies, death studies, diversity);
— I collaborated in the international project (pilot) "From Deathworlds to Lifeworlds: Collaboration with Strangers for Personal, Sociol and Ecological Transformation: A Web-Based StoryMap Pilot Project", led by prof. Valerie Malhorta Bentz (School of Leadership Studies, Fielding Graduate University) and dr. James Marlatt (Institute for Social Innovations, Fielding Graduate University);
— I participated in the international discussion group Phoenix Zones Initiative ECHO "Just One Health" (30.09.-18.11.2021);
— I participate in the international discussion group Sound/Music/Trauma Study Group (since 2023);
— I participate in the international discussion group Werkgroep Dierfilosofie (since 2024).
3) in terms of organizational duties:
— I am active in the International Association for Vegan Sociologists. I was a reviewer for the student journal "Student Journal of Vegan Sociology", and the event coordinator;
— I am active in the European Association for Critical Animal Studies;
— I cooperate with the Faculty of Artes Literales at the University of Warsaw, where, as part of the Anthropozoology program, I have been teaching classes on "Sociology of human-animal relations" (compulsory) and "Dealing with difficult situations in interspecies relations" (optional) since 2022; I cooperate with Medical University in Łódź, where I teach about the good death.
— I am active in the Bereavement Network Europe at the Danish National Center for Grief;
— I cooperate with the Institute of Good Death collective, and some other organizations where I act as an expert (topics of mourning of parents; mourning for non-human animals; alternative burial methods; photography, theater and drama as tools for coping with loss, etc.), I run grief circles (after the death of non-human animals, ecological, for people bereaved by suicide, open circles for any kind of loss) and meetings such as Death Café and "Dinner to Death/Dinner with Death" (referring to the project "Let's talk about death over dinner"). I offer help as a photo therapist in coping with loss, I create farewells for non-human animals and accompany people in mourning after the death of their animal without charges, I also support people with a terminal diagnosis. I work as an educator in the field of thanatologies and popularize this knowledge;
— I am active within the OZZ Inicjatywa Pracownicza (member of the Presidium, representative member of the OZZ IP Evaluation Commission of the Economic and Sociological Faculty, Social Labor Inspector.
— I completed a documentary theater course as part of the Theater on Facts project at the J. Grotowski Institute in Wrocław [2025]
— I completed a postgraduate course in Photography in Therapy and Personal Development at the Upper Silesian School of Economics. W. Korfantego (Upper Silesian University) in Katowice [2023]
— PhD in Sociology, University of Lodz [2022]
— I completed postgraduate studies in Animal Psychology at the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Animal and Human Behavior in Warsaw [2019]
— Master's degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Lodz [2015]
— I completed first-degree specialist training in "Criminal Profiling of Unknown Crime Perpetrators", SWPS in Warsaw [2009]
— I completed training in "Internal Audit", Ernst&Young [2009]
— I completed first- and second-degree professional training in the basics of accounting and balance sheet accounting at the Association of Accountants in Poland [2003; 2008]
— I completed postgraduate studies in Conservation of Metal Works of Art at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń [2007]
— Master's degree in theatre studies at the University of Łódź [2004]
Both scientifically and non-scientifically, I am interested in the same things. My area of interest can generally be described as nature and environment. More specifically, I am interested in interspecies relations, including communication (animal studies, vegan sociology), good death and the experience of mourning (death studies), the experience of loss (illness, dying, other types of loss, including homelessness, or XR activities – extinction rebellion), diversity, corporeality and gender (gender studies, sociology and anthropology of the senses), posthumanism and new materialism, digital humanities and art (in particular photography and drama and their use in therapy and self-development).
I pursue my interests through my work in various organizations, collectives and networks, as well as by conducting trainings and workshops (for funeral homes, medics, veterinary practices and workplaces on coping with difficult situations and support in grief):
— International Association for Vegan Sociologists [since 2020];
— European Association for Critical Animal Studies [since 2017];
— International Veterinary Humanities Network [since 2020];
— Polish collective Institute of the Good Death [since 2020];
— International discussion group Sound/Music/Trauma Study Group [since 2023];
— International group Werkgroep Dierfilosofie [since 2024];
— in the Bereavement Network Europe at the Danish National Center for Grief [since 2024].
In addition, as part of my non-scientific interests and activities, I have been involved for years in:
— editing (zines, online magazines, e-publications);
— conservation of metal works of art and small crafts;
— analogue and digital photography (mainly therapeutic);
— learning foreign languages;
— caring for plants that effectively overgrow the space I occupy.
POW 3/5 room: A232 90-255 Łódź