Research and didactic activities:

  • fulfilment of teaching hours, according to the principles specified in the Work Regulations;
  • consultations with students (no less than 2 hours per week);
  • development of teaching materials for classes;
  • disseminating the results of scientific research (e.g. by publishing scientific articles, scientific monographs and actively participating in scientific conferences)


  • PhD in Social Sciences in the discipline of Economics and Finance (since 24.06.2019 - completed full-time doctoral studies in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz).
  • Degree programmes completed: Bachelor's and Master's in Social Policy (2008-2011 - full-time Bachelor's programme at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz; 2011-2013 - full-time Master's programme at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz).
  • Since 10.2017 employed at the Department of Labour and Social Policy at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Lodz (currently assistant professor)


  • labour market
  • environmental risk management
  • green economy
  • green jobs
  • green self-employment
  • green social enterprises
  • sustainable development
  • green human resources management



  • Medal of the University of Lodz for Distinguished Studies (awarded in 2013)
  • Third-degree team award of the Rector of the University of Lodz for scientific and research achievements in 2014 [book Praca tymczasowa. Droga do kariery czy ślepy zaułek?, ed. B. Urbaniak, published by the University of Lodz, Lodz 2014 (awarded in 2015)]
  • Scientific Award of the Rector of the University of Lodz for doctoral students in the field of social sciences (awarded in 2018)
  • Second prize in the 21st edition of the competition of the Institute of Labour and Social Studies for the best master's and doctoral theses in the field of labour and social policy for the thesis Rola „zielonych" miejsc pracy w rozwoju lokalnego rynku pracy (awarded in 2019)
  • 1st place ex aequo in the 15th edition of the VERBA VERITATIS competition in the category of doctoral and habilitation theses for the dissertation Rola „zielonych" miejsc pracy w rozwoju lokalnego rynku pracy (year of award 2020)
  • Individual third-degree award from the Rector of the University of Lodz for the book Zielone miejsca pracy. Uwarunkowania – identyfikacja – oddziaływanie na lokalny rynek pracy (Green workplaces. Conditions – identification – impact on the local labour market) (year of award: 2020)
  • Award in the competition of the Committee of Labour Sciences and Social Policy of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best scientific and didactic works in the field of labour, social policy and human resource management for the book Zielone miejsca pracy. Uwarunkowania – identyfikacja – oddziaływanie na lokalny rynek pracy (year of award 2021)



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