dr hab. Magdalena Rosińska-Bukowska
e-mail: magdalena.rosinska@uni.lodz.pl
- co-management of the teaching process within the Institute of International Economy, University of Lodz, in the field of "International Finance and Business" – first and second cycle
- co-management of the work of the IGM UŁ for the continuous improvement of the quality of education and the teaching offer of the Institute
- management of the scientific and organizational activity of the Department of International Business and Trade, University of Lodz – head of the Department of BiHM for the integrated cooperation of IGM units and the activity of IGM at and outside the Faculty of Economics and Sociology as well as outside the parent University of Lodz (UŁ)
- active participation in IGM projects related to activities carried out in cooperation with the external environment
- promotion of the activities and scientific research of the IGM UŁ
- care for implementing teaching classes in the field of "International Finance and Business" – first and second cycle at the highest level, including through proper organization, enrichment of the offer, among others by inviting business practitioners, regular observations of classes, etc.
The Head is responsible for all activities of the Department, including primarily:
- the making decisions on all matters concerning the development of the Department, not reserved for the competences of other University bodies;
- the planning the strategy of the Department's activities and coordinating their implementation, including in particular supporting the Department's employees in the implementation of their individual research plans, promotion procedures, publication and research activities;
- the Department's property and financial resources allocated to the Department, excluding property and resources for which individual Department employees and other University bodies are responsible;
- the representing the Department in contacts with the University authorities and external stakeholders.
Scientific interests of the Department's employees
- transnational corporations
- global business networks
- sustainable development
- international business
- intellectual capital
- international marketing
- international management
- business competitiveness
- international competitiveness
- international economy
- international trade
- international mergers and acquisitions
- energy market
- banking
- FinTech
- Agile project management methods
- international economic integration
- international entrepreneurship
The research is carried out: in the field of international business, international management, international and marketing; special attention is paid to research on the development of global business networks (GBNs), strategies of transnational corporations (TNCs), intellectual capital (IC), sustainable development goals (SDGs), and challenges for the contemporary international economy .
Research Interests
- Transnational Corporations, International Business – Empirical Analyzes (F23)
- Business Networks – Empirical Analyzes (D85)
- International Competitiveness – Empirical Analyzes (D21, D22)
- International Management and Marketing – Empirical Analyzes (L2, O32, M31, M37)
- International Entrepreneurship – Empirical Analyzes (D22, L26)
- Business Model, Intellectual Capital (IC), Human Capital (L20, O34, J24, O15)
- Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As), Foreign Investments (FDI) (G34, L24)
- Sustainable Development, Social Responsibility, Corporate Culture (M14, Q01)
- International Economics – Empirical Analyzes, case studies (F2, F4, F6)
- Gospodarka międzynarodowa. Rys teoretyczny (2024), M. Rosińska-Bukowska, K. Zielińska-Lont, Publisher of the University of Lodz https://doi.org/10.18778/8331-328-3
- Gospodarka międzynarodowa w ujęciu regionalnym (2024), M. Rosińska-Bukowska, K. Zielińska-Lont, Publisher of the University of Lodz https://doi.org/10.18778/8331-330-6
- Global business networks. Concept – structure –competitiveness, Publisher of the University of Lodz (2020) . http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/8220-046-1
- Rozwój globalnych sieci biznesowych jako strategia konkurencyjna korporacji transnarodowych . Wydawnictwo UŁ; Łódź 2012. [Development of global business networks as a competitive strategy of transnational corporations. The case of the automobile sector] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330293295_Rozwoj_globalnych_sieci_biznesowych_2012_M_Rosinska-Bukowska
- Najpotężniejsze korporacje współczesnego świata. Wydawnictwo WSSM, Łódź 2011. [The Most Powerful Corporations of the Modern World. Case Studies]
- Rola korporacji transnarodowych w procesach globalizacji . Wydawnictwo A. Marszałek-Dom Wydawniczy Duet; Toruń 2009. [Rules Transnational Corporation in Globalization Process. Creation of Global Business Space]
- China’s economic growth – selected financial aspects , 2020, http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/8220-096-6
- Asia’s global expansion: business and financial aspects , 2020, http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/8142-990-0
- Potentials of Poland. Introduction to Socio-Economic Geography of Poland for Foreign Students (2012)
SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Magdalena-Rosińska-Bukowska (ORCID)
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2024). The impact of the concepts of "Society 5.0" on the evolution of social responsibility standards. In the light of research into the strategies of the most powerful transnational corporations, [in:] M. Baudry, S. I. Bukowski, M. Lament, Financial Stability, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development, Routledge, London https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003438670 (Chapter 7, pp. 1–22), https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003438670-9/impact-concepts-society-5-0-industry-4-0-evolution-social-responsibility-standards-magdalena-rosi%C5%84ska-bukowska
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2022). Evolution of corporate social responsibility standards and their implementation in the strategies of the most powerful corporations: Guidelines for the CSR 5.0 concept, “International Entrepreneurship Review”, vol. 8, No. 2, 25–35, https://doi.org/10.15678/IER.2022.0802.02
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2020). The Significance of Intellectual Capital in Strategies of Transnational Corporations, “International Journal of Management and Economics” 2020, vol. 56(4),1–16, eISSN 2543-5361, https://ssl-kolegia.sgh.waw.pl/pl/KGS/publikacje/Documents/IJMESGH_56(4).pdf DOI: 10.2478/ijme-2020-0025
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2019), Human Capital and Intellectual Capital in Modern International Business – Based on Studies of the Strategies of Transnational Corporations, “Comparative Economic Research”, vol. 22(2), 141–158, https://doi.org/10.2478/cer-2019-0017 .
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2017). Strategic changes in transnational corporation as an adjustment to the challenges of the 21st Century, “Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review (EBER)” vol. 5(2), 143–157, https://doi.org/10.15678/EBER.2017.05020 , DOI: 10.15678/EBER.2017.050208.
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2017). New Approach to International Competitiveness of Multi-layer Enterprises. A Reference to Macroeconomic Models for the Assessment of Competitiveness as a Benchmark, “Folia Oeconomica (FOE)” vol. 6(332), 145–158, http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/0208-6018.332.10 .
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2020). Corporate finance — China’s big four banks, [in:] M. Rosińska-Bukowska, K. Zielińska-Lont, China’s economic growth – selected financial aspects, Publisher of the University of Lodz, 39–59, e-ISBN 978-83-8220-096-6, http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/8220-096-6 .
- M. Rosińska-Bukowska (2020), The most powerful Asian transnational corporations, [in:] M. Rosińska-Bukowska, K. Zielińska-Lont, Asia’s global expansion: business and financial aspects, Publisher of the University of Lodz, 27–57, e-ISBN 978-83-8142-990-0, http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/8142-990-0 .
Research in the field of international economics with aspects of management:
- efficiency of management, entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation fostering methods;
- different aspects of internationalization, including: conditions for the development of innovative entrepreneurship, competitiveness of certain branches and sectors of the economy, international expansion strategies, role of consumption and consumers in the process of developing new regulations in modern economies;
- concepts of network- and cluster-based development;
- meaning and role of intellectual capital in economic development;
- efficiency impact of intellectual capital on the development of different types of entities in a modern economy;
- conditions for developing innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, as well as talent growth and knowledge-based economy;
- seeking new sources of growth and developing competitive advantage of different types of entities in a modern economy;
- conditions for synergistic use of all the available resources for sustainable growth – including joining global business networks;
- methods of building strong human capital as a source of competitive advantage, including using modern education systems and increasing the quality of education;
- causes and means of countering occupational burnout and civilization-related diseases affecting employees of transnational corporations operating in different sectors.
Research in the field of resources and sustainable development:
- sustainable development principles implementation in business models of transnational corporations and concepts of managing global business networks;
- prudent use of natural resources as an element of the product policy of the most powerful corporations;
- strategic decisions of enterprises in terms of environmental protection planning according to the principles of sustainable development;
- improving the production process of biodegradable products, recycling methods and natural resources use optimization.
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