Klaudia Janicka
Works at: Finance Section
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Małgorzata Janicka
Works at: Department of International Finance and Investments
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Agnieszka Janus
Works at: Department of Institutional Economics and Microeconomics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Piotr Jarecki
Works at: Department of Investment and Real Estate
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Dorota Jary
Works at: Education Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Magdalena Jasiniak
Works at: Department of Corporate Finance
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Katarzyna Jelska
Works at: Department of Investment and Real Estate
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Maciej Jewczak
Works at: Department of Spatial Econometrics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Małgorzata Jeziorska
Works at: Department of Insurance
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Pamela Jeziorska-Biel
Works at: Department of Local Government Economics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Mariusz Jęcek
Works at: Department of Economic and Medical Informatics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Małgorzata Jędraszczyk
Works at: Institute of Finance
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
prof. dr hab. Alina Jędrzejczak
Works at: Department of Statistical Methods
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Dariusz Jędrzejka
Works at: Department of Banking
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
Agnieszka Jóźwiak
Works at: Faculty Facilities Management and Technical Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil