mgr Agnieszka Kubus
Works at: Student Services Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
prof. dr hab. Ewa Kucharska-Stasiak
Works at: Department of Investment and Real Estate
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
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dr Adam Kucharski
Works at: Department of Operational Research
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
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dr hab. Leszek Kucharski
Works at: Department of Economic Policy
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
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dr Iwa Kuchciak
Works at: Department of Banking
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Zbigniew Kuchta
Works at: Department of Economic Mechanisms
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Iwona Kudlińska-Chróścicka
Works at: Department of Applied Sociology and Social Work
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Marzena Kujawiak
Works at: Student Services Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Iwona Kukulak-Dolata
Works at: Department of Economic Policy
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
Jarosław Kula
Works at: Faculty Facilities Management and Technical Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Ewa Kulińska-Sadłocha
Works at: Department of Banking
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Anetta Kuna-Marszałek
Works at: Department of International Economics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Aleksandra Kupis-Fijałkowska
Works at: Department of Statistical Methods
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
Rafał Kuraś
Works at: Faculty Facilities Management and Technical Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska
Works at: Department of Economic Mechanisms, University Council
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil