dr Paulina Bunio-Mroczek
e-mail: paulina.bunio@uni.lodz.pl
www: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paulina-Bunio-Mroczek
As an academic lecturer I teach classes mostly for students of Social Work at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology. In conduct a BA seminar on current challenges in social work and I review BA and MA theses in social work and sociology.
As a researcher I prepare and submit research grant proposals, conduct research projects, write scientific articles, books and chapters as well as edit (or co-edit) books. I take part in seminars, conferences and workshops. At the moment I carry out three research projects: two of them within the area of childhood studies and one on menstrual poverty, menstrual justice and menstrual health.
I am also responsible for administrative and organizational work, for instance I co-organize conferences, seminars and scientific events; I take part in current activities of my department, institute and faculty.
I cooperate with Huśtawka Foundation; I coordinate the Crisis Intervention Point at the Faculty of Economics and Social Work.
I cooperate with SWETEN Network which is a platform for cooperation of higher education entities teaching social work. Together we organizer international on-site and on-line workshops for social work students and teachers.
Having earned MA degree in international relations, I spent two years working as a research assistant at the Women’s Studies Centre of the University of Łódź. After completing a 4-year doctoral studies program in sociology and becoming a PhD, I have been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Applied Sociology and Social Work at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Łódź, Poland. I joined a team of researchers specializing in poverty and social exclusion studies and sociology of social problems. My doctoral thesis was on teenage parenthood in urban areas of concentrated poverty. My academic interests have been concentrated around the issues of social exclusion, social policy responses to social problems and social work, as well as relationship between gender and the welfare state, plus families with multiple problems, family support systems and specialist, socio-spatial segregation in cities, revitalization and gentrification. Recently, I am engaged in research within the area of new sociology of children and childhood and menstrual poverty. I have been teaching primarily at social work bachelor and master programs, but I also provide classes for sociology, social policy and gender studies students.
- social exclusion; social policy responses to social problems and social work
- gender and the welfare state
- parenthood, families with multiple problems, family support systems and specialist
- socio-spatial segregation in cities, revitalization and gentrification
- new sociology of childhood, participatory research with children. children as researchers
- menstrual poverty, menstrual health, menstrual (in)justice
- The Prof. Elżbieta Tarkowska Memorial Polish Sociological Association Prize for the best Polish scientific publication on social exclusion in year 2018 for the book: "Wczesne rodzicielstwo - zagrożenie czy szansa? Nastoletni rodzice z łódzkich enklaw biedy", University of Lodz Publishing, Lodz 2016 (Early parenthood – a threat or an opportunity? Teenage parents from Lodz poverty pockets) https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/produkt/wczesne-ro...
- The Rector’s of the University of Lodz 3rd degree prize in 2018 for the book: "Wczesne rodzicielstwo - zagrożenie czy szansa? Nastoletni rodzice z łódzkich enklaw biedy", University of Lodz Publishing, Lodz 2016 (Early parenthood – a threat or an opportunity? Teenage parents from Lodz poverty pockets) https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/produkt/wczesne-ro...
Research projects:
I currently run three research projects:
- Children - the city - revitalization. Three methodological approaches in social research with children in the area of the new sociology of childhood - a pilot study, financed by NCN (National Science Centre) within MINIATURA-5 programme
- Menstrual poverty, menstrual health and menstrual justice in the context of social work education and practicefinanced by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz, research grants for “young scientists” (up to 7 years after PhD defense)
- Childhood in refuge. Experience of forced migration from the perspectives of children and their grown-up caretakers – IDUB grant, ed. III – 2022, grants for “young scientists” (up to 7 years after PhD defense)
I am the author or co-author of more about 25 publications (books, book chapters, journal articles)
Chosen books/articles in English:
Bunio-Mroczek P., Przybysz J. (2020), Visualization of gentrification and poverty in a revitalized city. The case of Łódź, [in:] A. Kacperczyk, K. Konecki (eds.), Visualisations of Everyday Life in Interactionis Inquiry”, Łódź, Łódź University Press, pp. 114-161., https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/produkt/wizualizacje-zycia-codziennego-w-badaniach-interakcjonistycznych-visualizations-of-everyday-life-in-interactionist-inquiry/
Bunio-Mroczek P., Grotowska-Leder J. (eds.) (2018), Investing in Children, Innovative Solutions to Improve Children’s Well-Being, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Bunio-Mroczek-i-in_Investing-.pdf
Bunio-Mroczek P. (2017), Gentrification, revitalization and children raising. Family gentrifiers in a post-socialist city, “Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej”, tom XIII, nr 4; http://www.qualitativesociologyreview.org/PL/Volume40/PSJ_13_4_Bunio-Mroczek.pdf
Bunio-Mroczek P., Potoczna M., Warzywoda-Kruszyńska W. (2016), Poverty and Social Exclusion During and After Poland’s Transition to Capialism. Four Generations of Women in a Post-Industrial CityTell Their Life Stories, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego; https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Bunio-Mroczek_Poverty-.pdf
Bunio-Mroczek P. (2015), Becoming a Teenage Father. Having a Baby as a Turning Point in Biographies of Young Men of Low Socioeconomic Status Inhabiting Poverty Enclaves. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej11(3): 68-89; http://www.qualitativesociologyreview.org/PL/Volume31/PSJ_11_3_Bunio-Mroczek.pdf
phone: 42-635-55-36
e-mail: paulina.bunio@uni.lodz.pl
Rewolucji 1905r 41/43 room: A-125 90-214 Łódź
11:30 - 13:00