Research and teaching employee at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Łódź.
Carrying out scientific research and publishing its results.
- classes in the field of Logistics in the following subjects: Transport Economics; International Forwarding and Logistics Services,
- elective lectures in a foreign language, subject-specific and department-wide, including: Airports and Airlines Economics, Applied Transport Economics, Business Correspondence and Conversations, International Trade and Logistics and other,
- a seminar in English: BA Research Project, MA Research Project.
Doctor of Economics in the discipline of economics, with the following principles: logistics, transport economics, air transport, spatial economy, international economic relations.
Graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz in the field of International Relations, and then of the Full-time Doctoral Studies in Economics. In addition, she also studied Management and Marketing at the University of Lodz. Scholarship holder for a six-month Erasmus trip to France at the Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier.
In 2006, she defended her master's thesis entitled Economics and problems related to air transport. Past and present, for applications under the scientific supervision of prof. dr hab. Rafał Matery.
During her studies, she completed internships in the USA and Denmark, working, among others, in the marketing and sales departments of three airlines.
After studying, she worked in a company, in positions including: export specialist, and then for several years as a logistics specialist (transport, international) in a global corporation.
In 2016, she obtained a doctoral degree, after defending a dissertation entitled The transport sector in the European Union in the light of the liberalization process, which coincided with the scientific direction of the supervisor, prof. dr hab. Eugeniusz Wojciechowski.
Since October 1, 2012, she has been continuously employed as a research and teaching employee at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz. She was created, as an assistant, and from November 1, 2016, as an assistant professor at the Department of Local Government Economy. She was an employee of the Department of Logistics from March 1, 2017, and since February 2019, she has been an assistant professor at the Department of Enterprise Analysis and Strategy.
A polyglot who speaks fluently English, German, Italian and French.
She is a member of the Polish independent organization ERSA (European Association of Regional Sciences).
Her research interests include the following research areas:
- transport services market,
- transport liberalization,
- passenger and cargo air transport,
- enterprise strategies in the transport market,
- transport economics and innovation,
- international logistics and forwarding,
- intermodal transport in servicing international trade.
phone: 42-635-55-07
Rewolucji 1905 r. 37/39 room: F 020 90-214 Łódź
13:30 - 15:00