• conducting scientific research in the field of the labour market and human resources management (including future skills, changes in the labour market, employer branding)
  • participating in and coordinating research projects
  • disseminating research results in the form of scientific articles and publications
  • participating in scientific conferences
  • preparing and conducting teaching activities in the areas of soft skills, career planning, entrepreneurship, human resources management, work psychology, etc.
  • organisational activities for the department, institute and faculty

  • conducting individual entrepreneurship counselling for students at the University of Łódź
  • designing and implementing training courses on setting up and running own business
  • support in developing a business model and business plan
  • information on business environment institutions supporting entrepreneurship and the possibilities of obtaining financial support for the planned business activity
  • design and conducting soft skills trainings


Dr Agata Matuszewska-Kubicz - organisational psychologist, career advisor, trainer of psychosocial skills, doctor of economics in the field of management. Currently an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz and an entrepreneurship specialist at the University of Lodz Careers Office. Graduate of the SET Academy's School of Trainers and School of Coaches, as well as numerous training courses in academic tutoring and teaching methodology. For over a decade, she has been conducting training courses, didactic classes and individual consultations in the field of soft skills, career planning, entrepreneurship, work psychology, etc. She also has experience in career coaching, academic tutoring, and in creating individual development plans, scenarios and training tools.

Since 2024, she has been the University Coordinator for tutoring at the University of Lodz.

Supervisor of the HRM Student Research Group, operating at the Department of Labour and Social Policy at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Lodz (since 2021).

Author of several dozen scientific publications in the field of human resource management, flexible forms of employment, competences on the labour market, employer branding. She has collaborated on the realisation of several scientific and educational projects, including those financed by the Erasmus+ and NCN programmes in the area of the labour market, entrepreneurship, and education. In the years 2022-2024, she participated in the work of the Science Hub UniLodz project team (MEiN).

In recent years, she has completed the following research projects:

  • ‘Human resource management towards the self-employed who are economically dependent and full-time employees’ as part of the Excellence Initiative - Research University (Grant for young researchers) competition at the University of Lodz (2021-2023)
  • ‘Employer branding from the perspective of self-employed economically dependent and full-time employees’ as part of the NCN Miniatura competition (2021-2022)
  • ‘Key competences on the labour market from the perspective of university students’ as part of Grants for young scientists, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz (2020)



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