mgr Katarzyna Linkiewicz
Works at: Student Services Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Dominika Lisiak-Felicka
Works at: Department of Economic and Medical Informatics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Paweł Lont
Works at: Department of International Economics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Monika Lubiatowska
Works at: Education Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Anna Lucińska
Works at: Department of Capital Markets and Investments
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Sebastian Łacheciński
Works at: Department of Economic and Medical Informatics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Alicja Łaska-Formejster
Works at: Department of the Sociology of Politics and Morality
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
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dr hab. Edyta Łaszkiewicz
Works at: Social-Ecological Systems Analysis Lab
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
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dr hab. Kamil Łuczaj
Works at: Department of the Sociology of Culture
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Małgorzata Łukianow
Works at: Department of the Sociology of Culture
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Iwona Maciejczyk-Bujnowicz
Works at: Department of International Finance and Investments
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Michał Mackiewicz
Works at: Department of Economic Mechanisms, Finance Department
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Aleksandra Majchrowska
Works at: Department of Economic Mechanisms
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Anna Majdzińska
Works at: Department of Demography
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Michał Majsterek
Works at: Department of Econometric Models and Forecasts
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil