mgr Adrian Pęzik
Works at: Department of Corporate Finance
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
prof. dr hab. Ryszard Piasecki
Works at: Department of Development Economics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Anna Piechota
Works at: Department of Insurance
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Andrzej Pieczewski
Works at: Department of the History of Economics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Aleksandra Pieloch-Babiarz
Works at: Department of International Finance and Investments
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
Anna Pierzchałka
Works at: Faculty Facilities Management and Technical Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Marta Piestrzyńska
Works at: Faculty Development Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Piotr Pietraszewski
Works at: Department of Capital Markets and Investments
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Katarzyna Piłat
Works at: Department of Economic Mechanisms
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Renata Pisarek-Bartoszewska
Works at: Department of Business Analysis and Strategy
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Marta Pisula-Płonka
Works at: Finance Section
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
mgr Karolina Piwońska
Works at: Faculty Facilities Management and Technical Centre
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Radosław Piwowarski
Works at: Department of Economic Mechanisms
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr hab. Mariusz Plich
Works at: Department of Econometrics
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil -
dr Anna Pluskota
Works at: Department of Corporate Finance
Unit: Faculty of Economics and Sociology
Zobacz profil