PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Zbigniew Przygodzki

dr hab. Zbigniew Przygodzki
Zbigniew Przygodzki is a graduate of the Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Lodz. PhD in economics earned in 2004. He became a professor of economics in 2019. He has been working at the University of Lodz since 2003 at the Institute of Spatial Planning. He is a member of the Association of Organizers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centers in Poland, the Society of Polish Town Planners, and a board member of the European Regional Science Association. Polish Section. Zbigniew Przygodzki focuses his attention on the research of the territorial development paradigm. He undertakes studies and multithreaded research on the hypothesis: " the quality of entrepreneurial environment (milieu) is crucial for the dynamics of development processes". He conducts research on economic processes and their social embeddednes on a regional and local scale. He specializes in discovering the sources of competitiveness determined by innovative entrepreneurial environments.
Z. Przygodzki wrote over 80 scientific papers in Polish, English and Russian. He has extensive experience in the implementation of research grants of a scientific nature both Polish and foreign (eg participation in projects implemented under the 6th, 7th Framework Program of the EU and the Horizon program). At the same time, it owes practical experience to the implementation of numerous application projects and expert opinions for local government units and public institutions at the central level. Z. Przygodzki also has extensive organizational experience in building university relations with the economic and institutional environment. Since 2007, he has been running this type of activity at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz, he worked as: dean's representative for the issue of apprenticeships, head of student apprenticeships and director of the Center for Training and Apprenticeships. Thus, he tries to combine in practice scientific interests regarding entrepreneurial environments and building partnerships with activities for initiating development processes.
POW 3/5 90-255 Łódź